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第一采气厂成立于1997年3月4日,负责靖边气田和苏东南的开发和管理。主要业务包括天然气开采、集输、净化、天然气产能建设、气田维护、天然气计量配送等。产区分布在陕西、蒙古等10个市县和旗。管理面积1.42万平方公里,采矿权面积1.30万平方公里。全厂下设24个基层单位,13个政府部门,7个政府直属单位。目前,天然气年生产能力85亿立方米,年净化能力127亿立方米。截至2015年7月31日,已建成净化厂5座、集气站105座、配气站2座、清管站7座、污水处理站3座,管理井1428口中国石油长庆油田分公司第三采气厂,生产井1132口。 ,各类管线1860条,总长8723.20公里。

1997年6月29日,西安开始供气; 1997年9月10日,开始向北京供气; 1998年6月22日,开始向银川供气; 2003年8月16日,开始供气 向长呼气管道供气; 2003年10月1日至2004年11月30日,圆满完成了为“西气东输”输送“先锋气”的光荣使命。 2008年北京奥运会期间,实现安全稳定供气2.2亿立方米。截至2015年7月31日,历年累计生产天然气784.5亿立方米,对外供气717.010亿立方米。


第一采气厂获得的主要荣誉有:企业管理获国家企业管理现代化创新成果二等奖2项,中国石油企业管理协会企业管理创新二等奖1项。工程建设获国家工程建设质量银奖3项,中国石油天然气集团公司优质工程金奖3项。 2003年被评为陕西省绿色文明示范企业。 2004年、2009年两次被人事部、国资委授予“中央企业先进集体”称号。 2004年和2006年,子公司第一净化厂分别荣获“全国五一劳动奖”和全国“青年文明奖”。 2005年、2009年、2010年被中国石油评为“天然气开发管理先进单位”。靖边气田两次被评为“高效开发气田”。 2008年,厂长张振文同志荣获“全国5月1日劳动奖章”;第一产气厂被授予“陕西省重要奥运相关基础设施安全保卫工作先进集体”。 2010年被中华全国总工会授予“模范职工之家”荣誉称号,被陕西省评为“环境友好型企业”。 2011年被中华全国环境保护联合会授予“中国环境友好企业”称号。 2012年5月,副总地质师闫宁平荣获“全国五一劳动奖章”。 2013年5月,制气一厂荣获“全国5月1日劳动奖”。 2015年5月,净化二厂蒋艳荣获“全国妇女模范”称号,作业区张金龙荣获“集团公司劳动模范”,净化三厂荣获“劳动模范”称号集团公司的集体”。





在发展过程中,采气二厂始终致力于保障国家能源安全,支持长庆油田分公司的快速发展。全厂自营区块产能在建设初期从零起步。到2005年,榆林气田南区20亿产能及整体配套工程竣工,天然气工业产量达到14.7亿立方米,突破油气相当于一百万吨; 2006年,子洲、米脂气田投入开发,新增产能4.8亿立方米/年,全厂自营区块天然气年产能达到24.9亿立方米; 2007年,北上参与苏里格气田开发,在苏里格气田东部地区启动开发建设;东部地区11亿立方米/年,子州-米脂气田1.2亿立方米/年),自营区累计年天然气产能37.@ >1亿立方米。块状天然气日产量突破1000万立方米,年产天然气25.4亿立方米,年油气当量超过200万吨; 2009年,根据公司统一调整,昌北天然气开发项目经理部组织架构并入二采气厂,苏里格气田东区划入新单位。年天然气产量超过60亿立方米(含合作区),年油气当量产量超过480万吨(含合作区); 2010年,第二产气厂将新增天然气产能8亿立方米/年(含合作区)。 33亿立方米合作区)。

制气二厂自建厂以来,始终秉承“攻坚、拼搏、进取”的长庆精神,坚持“求精求强”的发展理念,立足上古生界气藏开发,坚持自主开发与合作开发并重,不断开发创新,依靠管理创新和技术进步,持续推进“本质安全”和“安全自管理”,注重安全源头控制,率先实施QHSE体系管理,连续九年保持安全稳定供气;继续深化气田开发管理,探索气田“分级分类精细化管理方法”和低产井“低产长稳”生产管理方法,形成以“气藏”为基础的开发岩土技术评价与动态分析》系列; “气泡抽采、井下节流、压裂、防砂”系列工艺技术开发与配套;以“节流膨胀制冷、小站低温分离、集中脱烃脱水”等表面工艺为基础的建设模式;以“一门二遥九自动化”为代表的数字化气田管理模式,建立了适合上古生界砂岩气藏开发建设的“榆林模式”,实现了气田的安全、清洁、高效开发,开创建设“科技、绿色、和谐”现代大型气田的局面。 2008年榆林气田南区被股份公司授予“高效开发气田”称号。 2009年,制气二厂被陕西省授予“省级环保企业”称号。 “油气田开发管理先进单位”、“陕西省百家消防先进单位”、“陕西省园林式单位”、“榆林市优秀管理企业”、“经济工作成绩突出单位”榆林市社会发展与社会发展”、“油田”公司先后荣获“工程技术管理先进单位”、“油田公司示范集体”、“石油行业用户满意服务企业”等荣誉称号,连续七年被长庆油田分公司评为“HSE管理先进单位”。



第三采气厂成立于2001年9月10日,隶属于中国石油天然气集团公司长庆油田分公司。经营区域主要位于内蒙古自治区鄂尔多斯市和陕西省定边县。采矿权已登记。面积*1万平方公里,地质储量*1亿立方米,探明和基本探明天然气储量*1亿立方米,是长庆油田公司天然气战略接替区。主营业务包括苏里格气田苏14、陶7、苏46井区块及其南部、苏南合作区及其北部、苏南合作区及其北部7个区块的天然气评价、开发和生产管理。道 7 和道 2 块。区内及西部探井管护、采矿权管理,苏里格气田地面集输加工系统建设与管理。






自第三采气厂成立以来,天然气生产建设始终保持箭头向上。是长庆油田发展最快的气田之一。 2004年,天然气产量突破1亿立方米。 2011年天然气产量突破1亿立方米。进入油田公司特种生产单位。 2013年突破1亿立方米。 2014年万吨、万吨新跨越将产天然气*1亿立方米,保持数量级的良好增长和发展态势,创造长庆油田天然气产量新纪录,实现2014年产气量苏里格气田年产*1亿立方米 生产目标奠定了坚实基础。

建厂13年来,制气三厂干部员工始终发扬“攻坚、拼搏、进取”的长庆精神,坚持“以诚待人中国石油长庆油田分公司第三采气厂,努力工作”,先后荣获“全国5月1日”称号。五一劳动奖章、全国五一劳动奖章、全国工人先锋号、全国青年文明号、全国五四红旗团委、中国建设工程鲁班奖等国家级荣誉称号,荣获“集团公司先进集体”、“集团公司天然气开发先进集体”、“集团公司石油工程质量金奖”、“建设大庆西部劳动竞赛先进集体”、“打造西部大庆钢铁先锋队”劳动竞赛”、“陕西省诚信” 先后获得油田企业“HSE管理金牌单位”、“环保先进单位”等荣誉称号,并荣膺“内蒙古自治区5月1日劳动奖章”、 “鄂尔多斯市劳动奖章”。模范”、“集团公司先进思想政治工作者”、“集团公司先进个人”等一大批先进个人,苏14地块被命名为国家工程实验室示范区和集团公司试点基地,2项新企业管理成果荣获“中国企业新纪录”,软科研40余项,荣获国家、省部级及集团公司技术与管理创新奖。馆被集团公司命名为“中国石油企业精神教育基地”,3家单位被集团公司确定为基层建设示范工程单位,取得了物质文明和精神文明的丰收。



长庆油田分公司第四采气厂成立于2005年6月28日,隶属于中国石油天然气集团公司长庆油田分公司。其前身是苏里格气田合作开发项目组。 2008年2月,油田整合重组,更名为苏里格气田开发第一项目管理部; 2009年10月31日,更名为中央苏里格气田开发项目部; 2010年3月17日,正式更名为昌庆油田分公司第四采气厂。

第四采气厂位于中国第二大盆地鄂尔多斯盆地内蒙古自治区鄂尔多斯市乌申旗和鄂托克旗。主要负责苏6、苏36-11、苏东41-33、苏54区块开发管理,负责苏5、的运营管理@>苏10块。辖区已探明地质储量**1亿立方米,采矿权管护面积3.69万平方公里。负责苏里格气田苏76区块——苏东41-33区块及西部的管护。 、苏36-11地块及以北地区、杭锦旗E2地块等。截至2013年底,苏36-11地块完成产能18.8 亿立方米/年;苏东41-33区块已建成年产能10亿立方米;苏54区块建成 产能4.7亿立方米/年;苏5地块建设能力6亿立方米/年;苏10区块建成10亿立方米/年,6区块已完成产能建设49.51亿立方米/年。现有职能部门12个,直属单位5个,基层单位5个,在册职工584人,平均年龄30岁。

在参与苏里格气田开发过程中,采气四厂深入贯彻落实科学发展观,认真落实苏里格气田一系列开发政策和要求中国石油长庆油田分公司第三采气厂,坚决贯彻落实国家重大决策部署。公司及联合管委会决议,加快发展 转变方式,不断解放思想,大胆创新,坚持走低成本、集约化、内涵式的发展道路,认真践行标准化、模块化、市场化、和数字化管理模式,大力推进管理创新、技术创新和机制创新,企业管理水平不断提高,生产规模迅速扩大,气田开发经验日趋成熟,安全环保形势严峻一直稳定,团队建设一直卓有成效。天然气产量增长较快,已成为油田公司生产速度最快的油气生产单位之一。 2006年天然气产量1.7亿立方米; 2007年天然气产量4亿立方米; 2008年天然气产量8.4亿立方米; 2009年天然气产量13.6亿立方米。油气当量突破百万吨大关; 2010年天然气产量超过27.7亿立方米,油气当量超过200万吨; 2011年天然气产量突破30亿立方米,达到30.7亿立方米; 2013年天然气产量达到41.1亿立方米,油气当量超过300万吨。


九年来,采气四厂立足苏里格气田中心区,不断完善“三低”气田开发配套技术。依靠精细化管理和技术创新,气井分级更加科学,管理制度更加合理,开发效果得到提升。气田经营逐年呈现“上稳、管好”的良好态势。 2006年,公司提出数字化建设理念。采气四厂率先推进气田数字化建设,率先在苏里格地区推广夜间无人值守集气站,建成“厂部-作业区”两级数字化生产管理平台,成功建设长庆气田首个数字化作业区,形成“两级监控、远程指挥”的管理模式,稳步推进智能采气厂建设,真正做到“让数字说话,让数字听”数字”中国石油长庆油田分公司第三采气厂,优化用工 组织结构控制了用工总量,提高了员工的本质安全。连续6年实现“零事故、零伤害、零污染”目标,连续3年获得公司“HSE管理金牌单位”、“环保先进单位”等荣誉称号。




第五采气厂成立于2009年3月10日,其前身是隶属于中国石油长庆油田分公司的“苏里格东部气田开发项目部”。 2010年3月12日,按照《关于更名完善苏里格东气田开发项目部内部机构的通知》(长油字[2010]46号)要求,更名为“第五采气厂” ”,并于4月16日在西安正式成立。

第五产气厂覆盖内蒙古自治区和陕西省。负责苏里格气田东区和苏**井区矿权的日常管理和维护。 ,已探明储量**1亿立方米,探明面积**平方公里,累计生产能力**1亿立方米/年,管理100多口气井,30个集气站和1个污水回注站。目前全厂下设12个部门,5个直属单位,5个基层单位,员工总数598人。

采气五厂自建厂以来,坚持以科学发展观为指导,认真落实油田公司各项工作部署,优质高效推进产能建设,不断扩大开发规模,不断刷新产气量历史记录,成为长庆油田历史上开工产速最快的单位。 2010年天然气产量17.98亿立方米,2011年天然气产量21.41亿立方米,2012年天然气产量29.12亿立方米,2013年天然气产量35.41亿立方米,2014年天然气产量35.52亿立方米,创苏东气田历史产量新纪录,创造了连续两年稳产的历史性跨越,走出了一条低成本、高效率、有内涵的发展道路。

在发展过程中,制气五厂构建了以创新为动力、依法合规为原则的“232”管理体系(2-两个转型、两个下移、3-三个综合管理方式、 2—二维标准作业程序),实现了管理方式、生产方式、组织方式的深刻变革,提升了企业的现代化管理水平和可持续发展动力。 With the goal of achieving intrinsic safety, we have strengthened the prevention and control of source risks, actively implemented the QHSE management system, continued to promote the digital and intelligent construction of gas fields, and maintained safe and stable gas supply for six consecutive years. Deepening the management of gas field development, establishing a "three-in-one" intelligent and fine management platform for gas wells, forming 5 major series of 15 development technologies focusing on well location optimization and reservoir reconstruction, and creating 16 projects including intelligent drainage gas production and horizontal well management The core production technology realizes the scientific and efficient development of gas fields.


With the selfless dedication and hard work of all cadres and employees, the Fifth Gas Production Plant has successively won the "National May 1st Labor Award", the National "Ankang Cup" Competition Winner, the National "Worker Pioneer", "Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region" Worker Pioneer" and other national and provincial and ministerial-level collective honorary titles, "National May 1st Labor Medal", "Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region May 1st Labor Medal", "Ordos City Model Worker", "Outstanding Communist Party Member of the Group Company", Advanced individuals at the national and provincial and ministerial levels, such as "Group Company Youth Civilization" and "'Western Daqing' Labor Competition Iron Man Pioneer", have achieved both material and spiritual civilizations.

Standing at the new historical starting point of "adapting to the new normal and planning for new development" of the oilfield company, the fifth gas production plant will firmly grasp the general tone of "seeking progress while maintaining stability", and adhere to the principle of "summarizing, improving, optimizing, In accordance with the basic path of “2345” transformation and development under the company’s new normal, with the core of stabilizing production, improving quality and efficiency, and paying more attention to “strengthening production, ensuring safety, changing methods, and emphasizing people’s livelihood”, it strives to build With a good development environment, we have united and mobilized the majority of cadres and employees to concentrate and forge ahead, and make due contributions to the continuous and stable production of 50 million tons of oilfield companies and the improvement of quality and efficiency in Western Daqing.

Introduction to No.6 Gas Production Plant

The sixth gas production plant was established in March 2010. Its predecessor was the "Changnan Gas Field Development Project Department", which is affiliated to the Changqing Oilfield Branch of China National Petroleum Corporation. It is a natural gas exploration, development and production company. It is mainly a natural gas production enterprise with both project management and technical research functions. The working area spans the west of Dingbian County and Jingbian County, Yulin City, Shaanxi Province, Wuqi County, Zhidan County, Ansai County, and Baota District, 2 cities, 5 counties and 1 district in Yan'an City. kilometers, the proven reserves are **100 million cubic meters, the proven area is ** square kilometers, the cumulative built capacity is **100 million cubic meters per year, the management of more than 100 gas wells, 19 gas gathering stations and 1 sewage treatment station.

The sixth gas production plant is mainly responsible for the development, production, land acquisition, operation and management and protection of mineral rights of Zhidan, Ansai, Dingbian, Wuqi, Jingbiannan and other gas fields. On January 20, 2015, in accordance with the notification requirements of Changyouzi [2015] No. 19 on the change of the name of the Changnan Gas Field Development Project Department and the standardized configuration of the organization and its affiliates, the name was changed to "The Sixth Gas Production Plant", and the full name of the organization was "PetroChina. The No. 6 Gas Production Plant of Changqing Oilfield Branch Company of Natural Gas Co., Ltd., referred to as "No. 6 Gas Production Plant of PetroChina Changqing Oilfield", was officially established in Xi'an on February 11. At present, the sixth gas production plant has 10 functional departments, 6 affiliated departments, 5 operating areas, 1 geological technology research institute, 1 production support team, and 2 production and construction project teams, namely Dingwu gas field. Development capacity construction project team and Jingbiannan gas field development capacity construction project team. The project department currently has 438 employees.

According to Changqing Oilfield's general requirement of "focusing on accelerating the development and construction of the Changnan gas field, giving full play to the role of emergency gas fields and peak-shaving gas fields, and contributing to the gasification of Shaanxi and the guarantee of natural gas supply in the capital Beijing and major cities across the country", As an important resource replacement area of ​​Changqing Oilfield, Changnan Gas Field has always adhered to the overall goal of "rapidly building an oilfield-scale emergency gas field, peak-shaving gas field, and civilian gas field with an annual output of over 1 million tons in two to three years", seeking survival in the cracks and adversity. Seeking development, it has won the overall victory in capacity construction and gas field production, and provided sufficient gas source guarantee for the “Gasification Shaanxi” and the natural gas industrial park planned and constructed in Dingbian County, as well as the LNG refueling mother station projects under construction in Wuqi and Zhidan. It has received support and attention from leaders at all levels of group companies, oilfield companies and local governments.

In just over four years, the sixth gas extraction plant has always firmly established the concept of "development is the first priority, safety is the first responsibility, harmony is the first mission", and the "four modernizations" policy is Guided by production capacity construction as the center, external cooperation breakthroughs as the guarantee, safety and environmental protection as the foundation, and team building as the support, we will tackle tough problems, strive for progress, and strive to create a new situation in the development and construction of gas fields, showing continuous breakthroughs in external cooperation. , The efficient operation of production capacity construction, the harmonious and stable workforce, and the orderly advancement of all work. In view of the fact that the development and management area is large and the number of gas wells is large, the oilfield company has conscientiously implemented the various work arrangements of the oilfield company, comprehensively strengthened the management of fine gas reservoirs and the experiments of new processes and new technologies, promoted the construction of production capacity with high quality and efficiency, and continuously expanded the development scale. Continue to refresh historical records and become the unit with the fastest production rate in the history of Changqing Oilfield.

Standing at a new starting point and facing new challenges, the No. 6 Gas Production Plant will always adhere to the principle of making progress while maintaining stability and the policy of quality, effective and sustainable development, and actively adapt to the new normal of gas field development to improve quality With the goal of increasing efficiency, we will strengthen technological innovation and management innovation, focus on solving new bottlenecks and new problems in development, and continuously improve the level of gas field development. From a long-term and strategic perspective, our vision and goals are: to build a green, technological and harmonious gas field, and to build a modern gas production plant with leading technology, advanced management, first-class team, harmonious environment, good benefits and sustainable development.


Introduction to Sullig South Operations Branch

On February 18, 2011, according to PetroChina Co., Ltd. Yourenshi [2011] No. 97 "Approval for the Establishment of Changqing Oilfield Sulige South Operating Branch", the former "Sulige South Natural Gas Development Project Manager Department" "Changed its name to "Sulige South Operation Branch", referred to as "Sunan Company".

As the first onshore international oil cooperative operator of PetroChina, Sunan Company is mainly responsible for the production, operation and management of the Sulige South Natural Gas Cooperative Development Project. The business is under the control of the Foreign Cooperation Department of PetroChina Co., Ltd.

The Sulige South Natural Gas Development Project is a project jointly developed by China National Petroleum Corporation and Total Exploration and Production (China) Co., Ltd. The development block is located in the northwest of the Ordos Basin, the south of the Sulige Gas Field, In the territory of Tuokeqian Banner and Wushen Banner, the exploration area is about 2,400 square kilometers. On March 2, 2006, China National Petroleum Corporation and Total Exploration and Production (China) Co., Ltd. signed a natural gas development and production contract, drawing on Total's applicable and advanced technology and management experience, and cooperating with the group company to develop Suri Natural gas resources in the Glam block. At the end of 2009, the group company and Total reached a consensus that PetroChina would undertake a certain proportion of the investment and act as the operator. On November 10, 2010, the group company and Total Exploration and Production (China) Co., Ltd. signed a modification agreement on the natural gas development and production contract in the Sulige South block in Beijing. For the development and production of natural gas in the southern block, the Sulige South Operational Branch was established according to the contract and approved by the PetroChina Company Ltd. Yourenshi [2011] No. 97 document.

At present, Sunan Company has 8 functional departments, 1 gas production unit, and a total of 140 employees both at home and abroad. Among them, 97 are Chinese and 47 are Total employees. Among them, there are 48 general management personnel, 54 technical personnel and 38 operating personnel. The company plans to realize the first gas production in May 2012, and build a 30×108m3 natural gas production scale in 2015. There are 2093 wells in 156 well clusters in the whole area, 4 gas gathering stations have been built, and the minimum gathering and transportation capacity is 250×104m3/d.

Since its establishment, Sunan Company has always firmly established the concept of "development is the first priority, safety is the first responsibility, and harmony is the first mission". 'Guided by the policy, centered on production capacity construction, guaranteed by external cooperation breakthroughs, based on safety and environmental protection, supported by team building, tackling tough, hard-working and enterprising efforts to create a new situation in the development and construction of gas fields, showing a breakthrough in external cooperation A good development trend of continuous breakthroughs, efficient operation of production capacity construction, harmonious and stable workforce, and orderly advancement of various tasks.

Introduction to Longdong Project Department

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